Sunday, November 29, 2020

My experience with english

I have liked the English subject for years, 3 years ago I took a private course for the summer and I learned a lot about the 3 levels and this helped me to participate in a debate representating  the school in the "english open doors" if not bad memory.

but I feel that in university this interest was decreasing a little,  more than anything because for the little time that I can dedicate to it. I feel that this career you have to dedicate a lot of time to the workshop, to the point of putting this class before other subjects like english.

But despite that, English want to be a more dynamic subject and that is entertaining. Blogging, for example, is not a so complicated dynamic but sometimes you are unable to publish for any other pendient work, but outside of that it seems somewhat entertaining and very spontaneous and easy to read.

And beyond that, something that I like but what makes it difficult for me is listening. I don't know why, but many times they write me something in English and I can understand everything or most of it, but listening makes it very difficult so I think to improve that by paying attention to many songs in English to better understand what they are talking about and this understand jsjsjsjsjs.

And for that reason, these days I have been practicing a little searching in English for all the things that I have used as a reference to do my jobs and hobbies, in addition to learning songs and watching videos and movies with subtitles to assimilate words.

Friday, November 13, 2020

the study program

Hello! everyone, today I will talk about something thet we should all take into account when choosing a carerr, the study program. Although all careers have their difficulty.
Now if I focus on my career, which is architecture, I think that this career is quite particular since you not only need to read and study things, but also to create and produce projects.
Although it is a very time-consuming race, it is also super entertaining if you like to experiment with materials, and other things. But what about the study plan, although every semester we have a workshop and theoric classes, many times we must put aside the theoretical classes to do a workshop and I think that is exhausting because later you have to work it for it in your free time. organizing your time is important. But just as there are places to work and study, there should be places to rest and that in the FAU like infrastructure I don't see it and it is sad.
There should be spaces to be able to disconnect for a moment, sleep perhaps since many do not do it very well and in terms of academic cargo, maybe have a space in which one can vent and share in groups.

Thursday, November 5, 2020

Postgraduate Studies

 Hello again! I hope you are so good. Today I will talk about something that sounds very important and that I honestly have not thought about yet. After finishing my degree I would like to develop in the area, if I get a master I think I would choose the area of sustainability and nature because it is a great help to the ecosystem and it is a footprint that we will leave to future generations.

I also dream of other types of projects outside of architecture but linked to art and the disciplines that I have learned lately, such as nail art. I would like to work independently but contributing and sharing with many people in projects

Anyway, sincerely I would like to develop in various places outside of Santiago, I would like to forget about the routine of that city. I would like to study in the south and work on weekends to complement everything. I know it is something complicated but step by step it will result.

Friday, October 23, 2020

my future job

 Hi everyone! Today I'll talk about something that we'll all do at some point in our lives. The job.

It's honestly a little bit difficult for me, because I'm at the point in my life where I feel attracted to many things out to the degree I'm studying.

For example makeup, nailart, etc. and that area attracts me more and more to the point of wondering what I really want to do.

I will probably be an architect who enjoys the makeup business.

But one of the topics that keep my attention in the architectural area is the sustainability. I would like to contribute to the environment in a less invasive way. Create public spaces with vegetation where children can play.

I would like to work in open spaces, seeing different terrain and traveling to many places. I wouldn't like to be locked in an office all day but I know that at some point I will have to.

I have been working on nail art lately and I really like the pretty atmosphere between the client and me. I really like it when they leave happy with my result and be able to contribute something to make them feel good.

I feel that this is somewhat uncertain but what I am sure of is that I want to leave a mark to bring happiness to those who need it.

Monday, October 19, 2020

The best holiday ever

 Hi! I haven't written for a long time, but here we go!.

my best vacation ... it is something difficult to say which one it is, because I have pretty memories of several, but I think my best vacation has been in 2 occasions. One of them was in 2019 when I went to the beach with my boyfriend and him family, because this give me very good vibes in the place. 

I had recently given him a puppy so it was the first time that  we took him to the beach and really was nice to see them running and playing in the sand. We also ate too many things; candys, pizza, ceviche etc ... it was all very delicious. We also toured nearby places, watched movies, and played family games. It was very entertaining and cute.

And the other occasion was in 2018 when we traveled to the south with my family, specifically  Puerto Montt. That has been my favorite destination on vacation since I love nature and I feel that this place is a central point and you can move wherever you want. You can take a tour and get to nearby or more extreme places like Chiloé.

What I liked the most about that trip was that we used it almost 100% to travel and have fun as a family. We got up early and traveled all day, hiked trails, went camping, went to the island and participated in typical events of the southern area. Honestly this is my favorite destination and one of which I never tire of continuing to visit and know. 

Tuesday, July 14, 2020

A photograph

Hi everyone! here we go again!, today I will talk to you about a photograph that bring me back very good memories. In this photograph we are at the "Lago chapo" in the city of Puerto Montt in south of  Chile. That summer was special because it was the first time that my cousin and her children knew the south so they were very happy. That day we went to the lake, we prepare food for a picnic, we took many photographs and we toured several nearby towns, we didn't bathe because it was very cold. The day was sunny but there was a lot of wind. These people are very important to me and I love them too much, we don't see each other often and that was one reason why we enjoyed that moment to the fullest.

Tuesday, June 16, 2020


Hello everyone! Today I will talk about music, but specifically the music that I like. 

I honestly don't consider myself a person who is listening to music all the time, or who has  a lists of songs saved or things like that, but there are times when I need music to motivate me or when I'm in a sad moment, jsjsjs and yes, I like it and a lot. 

If I talk about musical genre I think he most that I like is "rock" but the oldest type like 70's and 80's and "pop" like Sam Smith, Ariana, Dua lipa to feel me like a diva, but I still like to dance reggaeton when there are parties (old school is better ) or in my house when I clean, or when I have to make architectural models to move around, and not fall asleep. Another musical genre that I really like is "bolero", because it reminds me so much to my family since when we get together they all sing and play guitar and others instruments while others are dancing or just enjoying. In other words, my musical tastes are associated with moments that I have lived.

My experience with english

I have liked the English subject for years, 3 years ago I took a private course for the summer and I learned a lot about the 3 levels and th...