Friday, November 13, 2020

the study program

Hello! everyone, today I will talk about something thet we should all take into account when choosing a carerr, the study program. Although all careers have their difficulty.
Now if I focus on my career, which is architecture, I think that this career is quite particular since you not only need to read and study things, but also to create and produce projects.
Although it is a very time-consuming race, it is also super entertaining if you like to experiment with materials, and other things. But what about the study plan, although every semester we have a workshop and theoric classes, many times we must put aside the theoretical classes to do a workshop and I think that is exhausting because later you have to work it for it in your free time. organizing your time is important. But just as there are places to work and study, there should be places to rest and that in the FAU like infrastructure I don't see it and it is sad.
There should be spaces to be able to disconnect for a moment, sleep perhaps since many do not do it very well and in terms of academic cargo, maybe have a space in which one can vent and share in groups.

1 comment:

My experience with english

I have liked the English subject for years, 3 years ago I took a private course for the summer and I learned a lot about the 3 levels and th...